May is all about the Birds and the Bees, two creatures without which our foodscape would be radically different. While we at Eatin’s Canada are not scientists, we do know well enough that birds, bees, and other small flying creatures are critical to the balance of nature. Both directly and indirectly, they feed us.
This edition of Eatin’s Canada celebrates birds and bees and especially the bees! Our newest writer, Mimi Jones-Taylor, has provided an excellent interview with Backyard Bee Works, and GaddAboutEating has given us a Lebanese Baklava recipe from Chef Mohammed of Tibisti Foods & Grill, featured in the March edition. GaddAboutEating has also provided a scalloped potatoes recipe, and in Cool Your Jet Fuel Wayne Kwok shows us how why to make cold brewed coffee for iced coffees.
This edition ended up being a bit light on articles, but this will be filled out over time…even if a bit later than the May publication date. Meanwhile, please do what you can to help our pollinators, give them habitat in any way you can…plant milkweed and butterfly bush for monarchs, brightly coloured and nectar rich flowers for bees, feeders and water stations for birds that are safely out of cat reach, and work with your city councillors to ease/prevent restrictions on beekeeping and chickens in your municipality.
Ontario Beekeepers Association Links:
Ontario Beekeepers Association recipes and honey facts
Ontario Beekeepers Association
Where to buy bees