“Hi, my name is Gayle, and it has been 0 days since my last seed purchase. Arugula, since you asked, but it’s Tomatoes that bedevil me with their luscious charms. I have 55 varieties of tomato seeds to plant in 2024. It’s going to look like the image below, but more so. If the article is tldr, there are 2 lists of tomatoes towards the middle and bottom of the page. 🙂
I honestly didn’t expect this to happen. After growing 21 varieties in 2023, my plan was for fewer varieties for 2024, mostly the same, but with two or three changes. The flavors of everything I had grown were great, but it turned out that the majority of my selection were late season varieties and we didn’t have any tomatoes until August.
The tomatoes from last year were mostly already favorite varieties that I had grown for a few years. Among these were Ardwyna, Black Sea Man, Chocolate Sprinkles, Costoluto Florentino, Dark Galaxy, Jolly Elf, Mary’s Austrian, Mashenka, Matina, and Reisentraube.

These were all pretty satisfying and likely would have been enough, but I had been given an Etsy gift certificate by a client for Christmas. Etsy provided the gateway seeds that opened me to a world of variety in tomatoland. When I logged in to see what might be tempting, the site presented me with beautiful images of unusual tomatoes. They were irresistible and I bought a few.

I joined some tomato growers groups online, and started asking questions about the beautiful varieties I was seeing. My intentions were small, but I had not reckoned with seed traders and their generosity. Early on, I made friends with one member, Grace, of Grace’s Garden Goods, who has taught me a great deal about tomatoes. Many of the images on this page are graciously loaned to me by her.
I may have more varieties of seeds than I can easily grow, but I was able to diversify my crop and its timing. This year I already have some micro-dwarf tomatoes starting to fill out.. As soon as the temperature warms up, I’ll pot them up and hope for tomatoes as early as May. Some of these will bear fruit 60 days after transplant. It’s all about the temperature.
I’ve planted several of each variety to sell from my farmstand, The Garden of Eatin’s and through Cow-Op, a local farmer’s collective, after giving away my land back tithe. Normally I keep at least 2 plants of each variety, and several of my favorites. Last year that amounted to 70 plants from my selection of 22. I’ll take some time to look into each of these varieties and make a choice later. Not sure if I am up for 150+ tomato plants in addition to all the other things being grown. These include: 3 varieties of spinach, 8 varieties of peppers, 3 of eggplant, 10 or so squash, 5 varieties of potatoes, 5 of beans, peas, 20+ herbs, asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, black currants, huckleberries, and more.
Any and all of these vegetables and herbs will be used for preparing food for Gayle’s Greek Gourmet, my new catering venture.

There is only one tomato from 2023 that I chose not to take into 2024. Santorini is a gorgeous tomato. When fully ripe, it is a rich pulpy red with deep lobes that slice beautifully and easily for a salad. Unfortunately, it had disease issues for me, and did not develop a good flavor in my garden. It cooked well, but didn’t have much of a flavor when fresh, although in Greece it is considered a very flavorful tomato. Grace, who grows it in Trent Hills, also gets a very tart acid flavor from these tomatoes, which I did not. My guess is that climate and soil make a huge difference in tomato flavor, as they do for so many things. Sadly, I ran out of seeds for Matina and Mashenka and the vendor did not come to Duncan’s Seedy Sunday this year..
The tomato that excited me the most last year was not one that I had ordered. It was also not the bonus tomato that the vendor thought she had sent. It was meant to be Rebel Starfighter VT-16, a Green When Ripe tomato. Instead, it turned out to be a beautiful purple tomato with a red star and point.
A bit of research turned up the fact that it appears to be an accidental cross and a completely new tomato. I decided to name it for Eleanor Collins, a Black Jazz singer from Vancouver. Eleanor Collins was “the first woman, the first person of colour, and the first jazz singer to headline a show on national TV.” (quote: Wikipedia)
This tomato has the most delicate and fragrant of flesh. Cutting into one releases a floral aroma reminiscent of rose petals. It has a tough, easily peeled skin that allows the tomato to last very well. A meaty but juicy tomato with relatively few seeds and a complex taste showing stone fruit notes (peach/nectarine/plum) and a nicely balanced sweet/acid ratio. Exceptional

In 2022, I had already fallen in love with Dark Galaxy, a beautiful tomato with deep purple shoulders shading to a vibrant crimson and scarlet bottom.
Visually appealing and delicious, Dark Galaxy has bright red fruit inside, very meaty, lightly juicy, and crisp, with few seeds. Medium acidity and sugar, quite fruity, with deep layered, complex flavors.
The mouthfeel is excellent and the eating experience is enjoyable with this delicious, and meaty but juicy tomato.
These should be picked when the red is just beginning to show, and they will last a relatively long time, once picked.
Through Etsy, I discovered Mar Azul, an equally beautiful and delicious tomato with a virtually identical appearance (except that Dark Galaxy has speckled skin).
A truly beautiful tomato, this is a nicely balanced ow-acid slicer with a pleasing taste. Fruity and smooth without being overly sweet. They are firm but with a soft texture. Has overtones of sage, basil, and nuts,
Side by side, they are hard to tell apart. They are similar when they are sliced and tasted, but with nuanced differences. They have similar growing habits except that Mar Azul fruits earlier and was just finishing its season when Dark Galaxy was beginning to fruit. Both produce tomatoes that are also fairly durable and last for quite a while once picked.

Crushed Heart is an exceptional tomato with everything going for it. Fruity, floral, umami tones with great acid balance, and meaty flesh. Crushed Heart can do anything you want. Sliced, sauce, salsa, paste, this tomato is a superhero.
These tomatoes are enticing to look at and to touch. They have a beautiful, stunning colour and shape, with soft silky skin and a juicy vibrance that pulses like a heartbeat.
Most Crushed Heart images online are standard oxhearts, but mine have variable heart shapes, some quite exotic, with a beautiful carmine coloring. Not sure if I can consider this shape to be an F1, but I am using only these seeds for this year’s plants,
India Stripe was also a nice find. It’s like a larger version of Chocolate Sprinkles,both in appearance and taste. Like Dark Galaxy/Mar Azul these too seem to produce at alternating times. I nearly got two crops out of each and began early this year in hopes of making this happen this year.

2024 tomatoes: Eye candy first, the list is below

Thanks fo Grace’s Garden Goods for the photos in the montage above
2024 tomato list and characteristics
Tomato Variety | Determinate/Indeterminate | Days to Bear Fruit | Trellising yes or no | Type | Weight | Height |
Amazing Grace | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Globe | 8-12 oz | Unknown |
Amish Paste | Indeterminate | 85-90 | Yes | Plum | 8-12 oz | Around 6 to 8 feet |
Ananas Noire | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Ardwyna | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Barrys Crazy Cherry | Indeterminate | 70-80 | 70-80 | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Black Altai | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Black Beauty | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Around 6 to 8 feet |
Black Krim | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Around 6 to 8 feet |
Black Sea Man | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Beefsteak | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Blaue Zimmerman | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Blue Hell | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Bonny Best | Determinate | 70-75 | No | Globe | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Brandywine | Indeterminate | 80-100 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Around 6 to 8 feet |
Cherokee Purple | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Around 6 to 8 feet |
Chocolate Sprinkles | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Chocolate Striped | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Costoluto Florentino | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Crushed Heart | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Dancing With Smurfs | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Dark Galaxy | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Emerald City | Semi Indeterminate | 65 days | Yes | Mini-Beefsteak | 40-50cm | |
First Mate | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Get Stuffed | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Girl Girl’s Weird Thing | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Green Ripper | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Helsing Junction Blues | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
India Stripe | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Indigo Rose | Determinate | 75-85 | No | Plum | 1-2 oz | Around 6 to 12 feet |
Jolly Elf | Indeterminate | 65 | Yes | Cherry | 1oz or less | Around 6 to 12 feet |
Karma Purple Multiflora | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Lucid Gem | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Mar Azul | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Mary’s Austrian | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Mashenka | Determinate | 60-70 | No | Plum | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Matina | Determinate | 60-70 | No | Globe | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Matucana | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Globe | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Mrs Schlaubaugh famous strawberry tomato | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Opalka | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Plum | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Pink Siberian Tiger | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Polaris | polaris | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 11-23 oz | Unknown |
Principe Borghese | Determinate | 70-80 | No | Plum | 1-2 oz | Around 6 to 8 feet |
Purple Apple | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Red Viper Dwarf | Determinate | 55-65 | No | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Around 6 to 12 feet |
Reisentraube | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Rosso Sicilian | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
San Marzano Lampadina II | Determinate | 70-75 | No | Plum | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Sasha’s Altai | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Sergeant Peppers | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Siegels Dark Stripes | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Sokolades | Indeterminate | 70-80 | Yes | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Soleil | Determinate | 60-70 | No | Globe | 6-10 oz | Unknown |
Super Italian Paste | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Taiga | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Tartufo Micro Dwarf | Determinate | 55-65 | No | Cherry | 1-2 oz | Unknown |
Varigated Dragon | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Vivian and Leona’s | Indeterminate | 80-90 | Yes | Beefsteak | 10-16 oz | Unknown |
Tomatoes Review: 21 varieties for 2023

This year (2023) I began with 19 types of seeds, both those I purchased and gifts from seed collecting friends. Along the way I also bought two plants of favourite varieties from last year, the saved seeds of which had been lost.
If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you know that 2022 was a bizarre growing season. Very little rain in the spring, but constant downpour in June. it was cold right through to the second week of July. Seedlings struggled to grow in the spring and plants were still spindly right up to July.
When it finally became warm, they grew with a vengeance. It was still mid-September though before there was a ripe full-sized tomato, and only a few cherries as well.
They were red, black, gold, or striped, depending on the variety. Nevertheless, we picked nearly 4 bushels, with 200lbs of 3oz weighed picked tomatoes. Possibly we missed about 2-3lbs, but not likely more than that..It’s sort of a lot, but we had over 40 full sized plants going, plus 20 miniatures.

Although late, it was a large crop, so we picked as they were beginning to colour up rather than wait until they were fully ripe. They were red, black, gold, or striped, depending on the variety. I grew several dark and black tomatoes: Black Krim, Chocolate Striped, Dark Galaxy, Indigo Rose, Paul Robeson, and Purple Ukrainian, A few were standout favourites.
Dark Galaxy is surprisingly tasty. When you cut into it, the salmon orange centre contrasts beautifully with the deep eggplant purple exterior. It isn’t very prolific, so it’s not really a market garden candidate for me, except as a special item in a large basket perhaps.
I liked all but one of the tomatoes from 2022. Golden Nugget however, was a bomb,.Despite that it was incredibly prolific for a cherry tomato, Golden Nugget is totally forgettable. There were at least 10lbs on each of two plants, but they were flavourless and so low to the ground that picking them was like trying to milk a corgi. I won’t grow them again.

Waiting for the final bushel to ripen so they can be canned and made into ketchup, tomato sauce, dried tomatoes, and salsa. There are already several litres of roasted tomato sauce in the freezer, and a jar of dried cherry tomatoes.
Frost finally arrived and the plants are fully done. Will be taking them down today to get ready for the winter…and next season!
(Note) Tomatoes continued to ripen through December, and the last were finally cooked in mid-January.

In addition to the 18 listed below, I also bought starts of Sasha’s Altai, and Oaxacan Jewel, two favourites from last year. Oaxacan Jewel is a juicy large beefsteak, and Sasha’s Altai is a uniformly shaped tomato that mostly (at least for me) has 4 lobes, and tastes sweet like persimmon when very ripe.
A list of all of the tomatoes with photographs follows the articles and recipes below:
New Arrivals!

Edit January 19, 2023: I’m currently waiting for some NEW seeds because I was given an Etsy gift subcription and I’m ever so slightly tomato obsessed.
On order are Sgt Peppers Tomato Seeds, Mar Azul Sanish Heirloom Tomato, Crushed Heart. and India Stripe . I made these late purchases after a friend gave me an Etsy gift certificate for Christmas. These tomatoes were spendy, but well worth it.

Name | Type | Plant habit | Description | Source | Days |
Ardwyna | Red paste | Indeterminate | Great multi-lobed heavy | Full Circle Seeds | 75 |
Black Krim | Red to brown, smokey flavour | Indeterminate | Makes a great tomato sandwich | West Coast Seeds | 70 |
Black Sea Man | Olive to brown/pink | Determinate / Small | Big dark tomatoes, nice flavour | Gigi | 75 |
Brandywine | Large pink fruit and plant | Indeterminate | Great for sandwiches, large meaty | Saanich Organics | 80 |
Chocolate Sprinkles | Cherry / Prolific | Indeterminate | Pretty to look at, olive to dark red, sweet/acid | Gigi | 70 |
Chocolate Striped | Beefsteak | Indeterminate | Pretty with a good flavour | Full Circle Seeds | 80 |
Costoluto Florentino | Large flat ribbed fruit | Indeterminate | Beautiful, perfect soup tomato | Baker Creek | 75-80 |
Dark Galaxy | Speckled | Indeterminate | Deep purple top, bright crimson bottom, red flesh. Delicate skin and sweet flavour | Gigi | 90 |
Gold Nugget | Small | Not my favourite. Tasteless and hard to pick. Won’t be growing these again | Gigi | 60 | |
Indigo Rose | Black Cherry | Indeterminate | Deep purple top, shading to red. Delicate, easily bruised skin and sweet flesh | Gigi | 90 |
Jolly Elf | Cherry | Indeterminate | Oblong fruit, bright vermillion, sweet like fruit | Saved | 65 |
Juliet | Cherry Plum | Indeterminate | Sweet small cherries | Saved | 60-70 |
Mary’s Austrian | Paste | Indeterminate | One of my favourites, a meaty large plum tomato | Saved | 70 |
Mashenka | Beefsteak | Indeterminate | Have not had one sliced | Sweet Rock | 75 |
Matina | Midsized red | Indeterminate | Have not had one sliced | Full Circle Seeds | 58 |
Paul Robeson Black | Beefsteak | Indeterminate | Large dark fruit with a good flavour | Full Circle Seeds | 90 |
Purple Ukrainian | Paste | Indeterminate | Pretty and l | Gigi | 80 |
Riesentraube | 1″ grapes early | Indeterminate | Similar to the Jolly elf, there were not a lot of these this year. | Sweet Rock | 80 |
Rosy Finch | 8″ – 10″ plants | Micro | A very small plant | Gigi | 55 |