When it came to Christmas dinner, Dad had a lot in common with King Charles. In our family, the perogative of cooking Christmas dinner was held by the eldest male. My Grandfather Hurmuses (Papou) held the post until he died at 93. Then and only then, at the age of 73, was my father finally promoted to the Master of Christmas dinner...which got later and later every year throughout his reign. Fortuntely, along with change, came innovation, including this new method for cooking turkey at 400º..a big hit with my family, who have always been late to start the actual dinner preparations.In the era of Papou, we typically had Christmas dinner on Greek time somewhere between 7pm - 8pm...which came on as late as 9pm once Dad took the helm (a good cook, but not the most timely).Turkey, the fast way proved to accommodate a late start, and was also for my money, the more delicious way. This method produces an exceptionally juicy bird, with a nice crispy skin).
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