Review by GaddAboutEating
Main Street Honey Shoppe
4125 Main Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5V 3P6
604 – 879 – 6052
Fax: 1 – 888 – 424 – 3079

An amazing location full of honey products. Honey, wax, bee pollen, candles, and beauty products. The honey selection is second to none. If you want to try different types of honeys from different parts of the world, this is your place.

Connected to the HoneyBee Centre in Surrey (which also sells beekeeping supplies) their depth and breadth of knowledge is impressive. There are instructional sessions held at the shop – email them to get on their mailing list for updates about activities at the store.
They also have a selection of tea and some baked goods made with the products. A lovely bright shop and well worth the visit.