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Garden of Eatin’s: Plants & Produce on Sale Now!

    Tomato starts April 22 24
    Farmstand is open sign

    It’s more exciting to grow plants than sell them. Lost in seeding, watering, potting up, and talking to the plants, I almost forget to get them to the farmstand.

    Still…it is the goal to provide my friends and neighbors with the most exciting tomatoes, peppers, garlic, potatoes, herbs and other vegetables, as well as the seeds and seedlings to help them get their own gardens started. So…

    The Farmstand is open for the season!

    I sell these at my farmstand, The Garden of Eatin’s, at 843 Cherry Point Road, in Cobble Hill, through the Online Farmers Market at, and at The Spring Market at The HUB at Cowichan Station.

    So far, for 2024, I have planted 125 or so types of seeds, bulbs, or tubers this spring, click the link to read the list. If there is something that interests you here, please send a note to

    Since it is still April, the weather is unpredictable, and it’s a long slog uphill to the farmstand to tend it, the tomatoes (56 varieties) and peppers are by appointment only at this time. Please email: for specific plants and varieties.

    The farmstand is currently stocked with these starts (April 22, 2024)

    Everbearing Raspberries, These heritage raspberries produce on first year wood bearing the heaviest crop in the fall starting in late August, or early September, sometimes producing as late as December. Cut these canes back to 12” when they are done for the season to get an small early summer crop. When the summer crop is done, cut those canes back to leave room for the winter canes.
    Black currants – Consort Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) is a self fertile extremely productive black currant with a rich black currant flavor, sweet, tart, juicy.
    Garlic – Rose de Lautrec is a beautiful Creole that has a rich garlic flavor that is deliciously complex and does not bite, it has a long storage capacity. Rose de Lautrec likes a lot of sun and heat and tends to grow larger with these conditions. In the Coastal BC climate, it generally is a medium sized bulb.

    There will be more at the farmstand soon, as the weather stabilizes and as the tender plants mature. Updates will be posted here and through the Garden of Eatin’s Substack newsletter.

    Articles about farming and gardening

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